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Title Date Email Author Category Edit Delete
Long-term outcome differences between cryo-balloon and point-by-point radiofrequency ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in a low experienced hospital. 2012-11-06 Marti-Almor Julio, Marti-Almor Julio Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
Sudden cardiac death in children (1-18 years) – symptoms, comorbidities and causes of death in a nationwide setting 2012-12-05 Winkel Bo Gregers, Winkel Bo Gregers Sudden Cardiac Death and Implantable Defibrillators Edit Delete
Ripple Mapping Can Localise Slow Conducting Tissue Channels In Ischaemic Scar During Sinus Rhythm 2012-12-15 Jamil-Copley Shahnaz, Jamil-Copley Shahnaz Ventricular Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Ripple Mapping Can Localise Slow Conducting Tissue Channels In Ischaemic Scar During Sinus Rhythm 2012-12-16 Jamil-Copley Shahnaz, Jamil-Copley Shahnaz Ventricular Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Safety and Efficacy of Lead Extraction in Patients with Structural Congenital Heart Disease 2012-12-17 Kontogeorgis Andrianos, Kontogeorgis Andrianos Cardiac Pacing Edit Delete
Women With ICDs: is there a significant outcome difference? 2012-12-17 Vitali Serdoz Laura , Vitali Serdoz Laura Sudden Cardiac Death and Implantable Defibrillators Edit Delete
Pulmonary vein isolation in cases of difficult catheter placement: A new pacing maneuver to demonstrate complete isolation of the veins. 2013-11-19 Alonso-Martin Concepción , Alonso-Martin Concepción Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
Inhibition of Ca2+ activated K+ channels in human atrial tissue and their role in atrial fibrillation 2013-11-20 Skibsbye Lasse, Skibsbye Lasse Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
Long term follow up of patients with endocardially implanted left ventricle lead for CRT device. 2013-11-24 Kropotkin Evgenii, Kropotkin Evgenii Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Edit Delete
2013-11-24 Lee Hsiang-Chun, Lee Hsiang-Chun Molecular Basis of Arrhythmogenic Mechanisms Edit Delete
Pictures of tribological wear on the basis of silicone extracted leads 2013-11-25 Malecka Barbara, Malecka Barbara Cardiac Pacing Edit Delete
2013-11-30 Cantwell Chris, Cantwell Chris Techniques and tools for Arrhythmia Documentation Edit Delete
Predictors of Symptom Manifestation Before and After Surgical or Percutaneous Repair in Patients with (Uncomplicated) Secundum Atrial Septal Defect 2013-12-13 Infusino Tommaso , Infusino Tommaso Underlying Heart Diseases and Risk Stratification Edit Delete
Simultaneous unipolar radiofrequency ablation of ventricular tachycardia using two ablation catheters 2014-11-25 Iyer Vivek, Iyer Vivek Catheter Ablation of arrhythmias Edit Delete
Is Conduction Block during Sinus Rhythm Associated with Development of Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation? 2015-11-04 Lanters Eva, Lanters Eva Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Structural heterogeneity and conduction slowing increases Electrogram fractionation and arrhythmia susceptibility 2015-11-15 Selvadurai Shaun, Selvadurai Shaun Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Time matters: Adenosine testing early after pulmonary vein isolation does not reliably exclude dormant pulmonary vein conduction and late reconnection. 2015-11-15 Teunissen Cas, Teunissen Cas Catheter Ablation of arrhythmias Edit Delete
LEFT ATRIAL APPENDAGE CLOTS REVERSED WITH NOACS. 2015-11-15 González-Matos Carlos Eduardo, González-Matos Carlos Eduardo Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
Frequent Atrial Extrasystolic Beats Predict Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Congenital Heart Defects 2015-12-03 Teuwen Christophe, Teuwen Christophe Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
2015-12-07 Dupont Emmanuel, Dupont Emmanuel Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Atrial Tachycardia During Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation May Not Be Iatrogenic But Reflect Intrinsic Atrial Substrates 2015-12-08 Baykaner Tina, Baykaner Tina Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Ictal Asystole: an unknown cause of syncope 2015-12-08 Sanchez-Borque Pepa, Sanchez-Borque Pepa Syncope Edit Delete
Cryoballoon Ablation of Pulmonary Veins: Ganglionic Plexi Modification and AF Recurrence 2016-11-13 Vijayaraman Pugazhendhi , Vijayaraman Pugazhendhi Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
Cardiac resynchronization therapy can lead to the normalization of the EKG in super responders 2016-11-16 HAGGUI ABDEDDAYEM, HAGGUI ABDEDDAYEM Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Edit Delete
Local Pre-potentials and Pace mapping: A guide for Ablation of Premature Ventricular Complexes Arising in the Pulmonary Artery 2016-11-25 Jain Rahul , Jain Rahul Ventricular Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Use of an Electrophysiology Catheter in the Coronary Sinus from the Femoral Vein to Enable Placement of a Left Ventricular Pacing Lead 2016-12-06 Abedin Moeen, Abedin Moeen Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Edit Delete
Predicting Risk of Sustained Ventricular Arrhythmia in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy: A Meta-Analysis 2016-12-07 Bosman Laurens, Bosman Laurens Underlying Heart Diseases and Risk Stratification Edit Delete
Predicting Risk of Sustained Ventricular Arrhythmia in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy: A Meta-Analysis 2016-12-07 Bosman Laurens, Bosman Laurens Underlying Heart Diseases and Risk Stratification Edit Delete
Short learning curve with significant efficacy and high safety of 2nd generation Cryo-balloon Pulmonary vein isolation in a Local single center experience 2016-12-08 Atta Salah, Atta Salah Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
Comparison of the 25mm and the 20mm spiral mapping catheter for cryoballoon positioning and determination of the time to PV isolation 2017-11-12 Weitensteiner Valerie Elisabeth, Weitensteiner Valerie Elisabeth Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
2017-11-12 Ji Yanyan , Ji Yanyan Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Fatal Arrhythmias associated with Genetic Variants in Type 2 Ryanodine Channel Gene 2017-11-13 Horie Minoru, Horie Minoru Genetic Aspects of Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Automated, High-Precision Echocardiographic And Haemodynamic Assessment Of The Effect Of Atrioventricular Interval During Right Ventricular Pacing In Obstructed Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 2017-11-14 Whinnett Zachary, Whinnett Zachary Technical Advances in Cardiac Pacing Edit Delete
Characterization of localized drivers that play a mechanistic role in persistent atrial fibrillation 2017-11-14 Honarbakhsh Shohreh, Honarbakhsh Shohreh Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
2017-11-15 Teuwen Christophe, Teuwen Christophe Conduction Disturbances and their significance Edit Delete
QI and Audit Project on improvement of anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation to prevent ischaemic stroke using a risk stratifying discharge checklist 2017-11-15 Bajomo Omotomilola, Bajomo Omotomilola Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
An atypical typical atrial flutter 2017-11-28 Shen Mark, Shen Mark Catheter Ablation of arrhythmias Edit Delete
2017-11-29 Fenner Merle Friederike, Fenner Merle Friederike Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
RETRO-MAPPING: A novel 5D mapping method for atrial fibrillation shows spatiotemporal stability 2017-11-30 Mann Ian, Mann Ian Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
Permanent HIS Bundle Pacing: A Single Center Experience from an Academic Medical Center 2017-12-01 Serafini Nicholas, Serafini Nicholas Cardiac Pacing Edit Delete
Potential role of PFO in patients after an ESUS event and with implantable cardiac monitor 2017-12-03 Summo Claudia Sabrina, Summo Claudia Sabrina Implantable Diagnostic Devices Edit Delete
2019-01-14 Arnold Ahran, Arnold Ahran Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Edit Delete
Novel 3D Multimodal Atlases Enable Visualization of Cases of Termination of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation 2019-01-15 Moosvi Nosheen, Moosvi Nosheen Atrial Fibrillation Edit Delete
Barrier and facilitators to public access defibrillation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: the Sorrento Peninsula Register 2019-01-15 Santomauro Maurizio, Santomauro Maurizio Ventricular Arrhythmias Edit Delete
The utility of minielecrode-based technology on the identification of gap in isthmus-dependent atrial flutter redo procedures: a case report 2019-01-15 Carlo Lavalle Giammarco Schiaffini, Carlo Lavalle Giammarco Schiaffini New Mapping Techniques Edit Delete
S-ICD A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE 2019-01-15 Carlo Lavalle Giammarco Schiaffini, Carlo Lavalle Giammarco Schiaffini Prophylactic ICDs Edit Delete
In-utero exposure to nicotine alters the response of the rabbit cardiac sodium current to isoproterenol. 2019-01-23 Dumaine Robert, Dumaine Robert Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Lead extraction without interruption of anticoagulation: A retrospective outcomes comparison 2019-02-05 Leal Miguel, Leal Miguel Sudden Cardiac Death and Implantable Defibrillators Edit Delete
Incidence of Defibrillator Lead Failure Following Implant of Newer-generation Left Ventricular Assist Devices 2019-02-05 Leal Miguel, Leal Miguel Prophylactic ICDs Edit Delete
The intensity of the photoplethysmographic waveform variability oscillations as the effective marker of the aortic valve pathology 2019-11-06 Shvartz Vladimir, Shvartz Vladimir Role of the Autonomous Nervous System Edit Delete
Loss of consciousness and sudden death in professional driver’s health-related accident in East Japan 2019-11-19 Abe Haruhiko, Abe Haruhiko Syncope Edit Delete
2019-11-28 Rudaka Irina, Rudaka Irina Genetic Aspects of Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Readmission after Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Heart Failure in the United States 2019-12-05 Lima Fabio, Lima Fabio Atrial Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Outcomes of functional substrate mapping of ventricular tachycardia (Func-VT) - an international prospective registry 2022-12-02 Bangash Fatima, Bangash Fatima Ventricular Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Test title 2025-01-14 Caroline Giordano Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias Edit Delete
Title Date Number Email Author Category
OPTIMIZATION OF THE ATRIOVENTRICULAR DELAY IN CONDUCTION SYSTEM PACING: A CLINICAL INSIGHT FROM A CASE REPORT 2024-12-09 32-10 Minh Nguyen Quang, Dung Kieu Ngoc, Minh Nguyen Quang, Dung Kieu Ngoc Conduction system pacing
Non-ST segment Elevation Myocardial infarction with mechanical complication of the left ventricle and arrhythmogenic shock 2024-12-13 16-10 Inesa Meliqyan, Gayane Manasyan, Tatevik Sargsyan, Mkrtich Chirkinyan Wide QRS Tachycardias
Deep learning CNN models useful for Coronary segmentation in patients in atrial fibrillation 2024-12-16 15-10 Marouane Mahjoub, Majed Hassine, Aymen Najjar, Nidhal Bouchahda, Mejdi Ben Messaoud, Zohra Dridi Atrial Fibrillation
Differential diagnosis of supra ventricular tachycardia : Predictive value of different electrophysiological maneuvers 2024-12-16 12-10 Marouane Mahjoub, Zohra Dridi, Sami Mourali, Mejdi Ben Messaoud, Majed Hassine, sana ouali Narrow QRS tachycardias
Deep learning CNN models useful for Coronary segmentation in patients in atrial fibrillation 2024-12-16 15-10 Marouane Mahjoub, Majed Hassine, Aymen Najjar, Nidhal Bouchahda, Mejdi Ben Messaoud, Zohra Dridi Atrial Fibrillation
A Prospective Randomized Clinical Comparison of Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation Using the CENTAURI PEF System, FARAPULSE System, and Standard Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation 2024-12-18 18-10 Zdenek Starek Catheter Ablation of arrhythmias
Ventricular tachycardia association with mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with ICD implantation indications 2024-12-18 17-10 Tariel Atabekov, Sergey Popov, Roman Batalov, Sergey Afanasiev, Sergey Krivolapov, Viacheslav Korepanov, Mikhail Khlynin Ventricular Arrhythmias
Value of peripheral blood mononuclear cell’s mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction in HF severity prediction in patients with ICD implantation indications 2024-12-18 31-10 Roman Batalov, Sergey Popov, Sergey Afanasiev, Viacheslav Korepanov, Mikhail Khlynin, Sergey Krivolapov, Tariel Atabekov Heart failure and management
Validating R-Wave Peak Time As a Surrogate For Lateral Wall Activation In Conduction System Pacing 2024-12-21 32-10 Nadine Ali, Ahran Arnold, Zachary Whinnett, Darrel Francis, Daniel Keene, Nandita Kaza, Keenan Saleh, Jack Samways, Jagdeep Mohal, Matthew Shun-Shin, James Howard, Jorlin Liu, Akriti Naraen, Keerthana Sriram Conduction system pacing
test 2025-01-14 01-10 Caroline Giordano Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation and impact on clinical outcomes 2025-01-14 01-10 Samuele Sciancalepore Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias