The Outstanding Achievement Award is given to colleagues who have contributed enormously to the development of our field.
The Outstanding Support Award is given to colleagues who have supported consistently and in many ways the development of ECAS.
Last 12 months the medical community has suffered the loss of Giants in cardiac arrhythmia who have contributed enormously to the field. ECAS Members will not forget them.
Mark Estes III, MD (Boston, USA)
Mark N. Estes III, MD (Boston, USA)
Presented by Riccardo Cappato, MD
Antonio Bayés de Luna, MD (Barcelona, SP)
Presented by Samuel Lévy, MD
David Haines, MD (Royal Oak, USA)
Presented by Riccardo Cappato, MD
Luigi Di Biase, MD (New York City, USA)
Presented by Wyn Davies, MD
Jacob Tfelt-Hansen, MD (Copenhagen, DK)
Presented by Stephan Kääb, MD
John Fisher, MD (New-York, USA)
David Benditt, MD (Minneapolis, USA)
presented by Richard Sutton, MD
Massimo Santini, MD (Rome, IT)
presented by Samuel Levy, MD
Heidi Estner, MD (Munich, DE)
presented by Morritz Sinner, MD
Mohammad Shenasa, MD (San Jose, USA)
presented by Mark Estes III, MD
Fiorenzo Gaita, MD (Turin, IT)
Serge S. Barold, MD (Tampa, FLA, USA)
presented by Samuel Levy, MD
Melvin Scheinman, MD (Los Angeles, CA USA)
presented by D.Wyn Davies, MD
Edward Rowland, MD (London,UK)
presented by Neil Sulke, MD
Habib Haouala, MD (Tunis, TN)
presented by Samuel Lévy, MD
Fernand Hessel, MD (Mulhouse, FR)
presented by Samuel Lévy, MD
Albert Waldo, MD (Cleveland, USA)
Albert Waldo, MD (Cleveland, USA)
David Cannom, MD (Los Angeles, USA)
Richard Hauer, MD (Utrecht, NL)
Charles Jazra, MD (Beirut, LB)
presented by Gerhard Steinbeck
Reza Wakili, MD (Munich, DE)
presented by Stefan Kaab
Jeronimo Farre (Madrid, ES)
Jeronimo Farre (Madrid, ES)
Mark Estes III (Boston, USA
Stanley Nattel (Montreal, CA)
Yuji Nakazato (Chiba, JP)
Brian Olshansky (Iowa City, USA)
Arthur Moss (Rochester, USA)
Arthur Moss, MD (Rochester, NY, USA)
presented by Helmut Klein
Gunter Breithardt, MD (Munster, DE)
presented by Samuel Lévy
David Cannom, MD
presented by Wyn Davies
Ellen Hoffmann, MD
presented by Gerhard Steinbeck
Martin Borggrefe, MD (Mannheim, DE)
Martin Borggrefe, MD (Mannheim, DE)
presented by Stefan Kääb
Dobromir Dobrev, MD, PhD (Heidelberg, DE)
presented by Ellen Hoffmann
Douglas L. Packer, MD (Rochester, USA)
presented by Samuel Lévy
Nils Edvardsson, MD (Gothenberg, SE)
presented by Gerhard Steinbeck
Oskars Kalejs, MD (Riga, LV)
presented by Riccardo Cappato
Patrick Attuel, MD (Paris, FR)
Patrick Attuel, MD (Paris, FR)
Presented by Jean-François Leclercq
Frank Marcus, MD (Tucson, USA)
Presented by Prof. Richard Hauer
Mervat Nabih Aboulmaaty (Cairo, EG)
Presented by Prof. Samuel Lévy
Andrey Ardashev (Moscow, RU)
Presented by Prof. Amiran Revishvili
Michiel Janse (Amsterdam, NL)
Antonio Bayes de Luna (Barcelona, ES)
Robert Slama (Paris, FR)
Maurits Allessie (Maastricht, NL)
Phone +33(0)489989808
Martina Casella
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