Management of sinus node dysfunction (SND) Introduction Sinus node dysfunction (SND) is defined as an insufficient heart rate for physiologic demands. It may manifest as sinus
Symptoms of sinus node dysfunction (SND) Introduction Sinus node dysfunction (SND) is defined as an insufficient heart rate for physiologic demands. It may manifest as sinus
Sinus node dysfunction (SND) Introduction The sinoatrial or sinus node is a collection of specialized pacemaker cells near the junction of the right atrium
Reentry Definition In the normal heart, the impulse generated in the sinus node stops after sequential activation of atria and ventricles
Arrhythmias in various diseases – Atrial Fibrillation Definitions The normal site of initiation of the cardiac impulse is the sinus node, where a spontaneous decline in the
Ectopic foci Definitions The normal site of initiation of the cardiac impulse is the sinus node, where a spontaneous decline in the
Arrhythmias in the healthy heart One must apply some caution when pronouncing a heart to be healthy. In the normal heart, fibrosis develops with age,
Cardiac Conduction System Disease Bundle branch block The heart is a muscular pump that has to be electrically activated by a specialized wiring system
Arial fibrillation Definition In this arrhythmia, irregular atrial impulses occur at rates over 300/minute, uniform excitation of the atria is no longer
Congestive Cardiomyopathy and Dilated Cardiomyopathy Introduction Congestive cardiomyopathy is a broad term characterized by an impaired function of the heart muscle leading to enlargement of