Fundamental requisites according to the opinion of the members of the consensus conference Dr. Wyn Davies (St. Mary’s Hospital, London, UK); Applications of the new technology in clinical practice: the point of view of the Anaesthesiologist Dr. Leo Bossaert (University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium), the Cardiologist Pharmacologist Dr. R. Ferrari (Ospedale di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy), the Cardiologist Interventional Dr. Johannes Brachmann (III Med. Klinik Klinikum Coburg, Coburg, Germany), the Expert in heart failure Dr. K. Swedberg. Cost-benefit analysis of new technology: Prof. Massimo Santini (Ospedale San Filippo Neri, Roma, Italy).
Following the publication of the manuscript, and in order to improve its distribution across Europe among colleagues with incomplete access to the English language, the document on “Device Malfunctions” has been translated in 8 languages. To this purpose, the following Colleagues have served ECAS: Dr. Petrac for Croatia, Drs. De Roy, Alsteen and Dormal for Belgium (also assisting for French language), Drs. Dorwarth and Hoffmann for Germany, Drs. Tzeis, Sakellariou and Manolis for Greek, Drs. Ferrero and Cappato for Italy, Dr. Moreira for Portugal, Drs. Ardashev and Shavarov for Russia, Drs Paspour and Gorenek for Turkey, and Dr. Bardyszewski for Poland. The different translations are available on ECAS’ official website,
In September 2006 ECAS closed the negotiations and signed a contract of co-partnership with the Publisher (Elsevier) and the Editor-in-Chief (Dr. Sanjeeev Saksena) of the Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology (JICE). Through this partnership, JICE becomes the Official Journal of ECAS. The main missions of ECAS in this project are: 1) to distribute through JICE any written document representing the official position of ECAS in the different items concerning current Electrophysiology; 2) to promote the distribution of research outcomes by young European fellows in the International Literature. Both missions cherished by Dr. Richard Hauer from the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, one of ECAS Vice-Presidents.
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Martina Casella
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